Moving up to TRIPLES

From Monday 17th August any rink will be able to play Triples.

If you are involved in a Triples Rink you should wear a mask or alternatively a face shield. Members who have a recognized breathing condition could be exempt from wearing a mask but must notify the center manager when entering the building.

It is important that Triples rinks Bowlers socially distance at least one metre plus apart.

Change into your bowls shoes quickly and step onto the rink immediately you have done so.

The procedure for bowling is exactly the same as you would do for pairs with the following additions :

The Jack must be placed at least one metre short of the tee.

The mat must be placed at least one metre up from the tee.

Therefore the maximum length for triples is two metres shorter than the normal maximum length. Reduce this further if you would prefer.

Four bowlers should not stand side by side but two by two. Two just by the ditch two metres apart and two bowlers in front of the them two metre away. Move up to bowl and then return to your position. Move clockwise around the rink behind each other.

Disposable masks will be available to purchase at a cost of £1 for 2 if you forget to bring one.

If you have a Summer booked rink and have enough people to bowl a triples rink the club would prefer you to do this. Alternatively you should book another weekly rink so that all your bowlers get a regular bowl. Please discuss this with Michelle.

Good luck, use common sense, be aware and enjoy.

Dave Parks


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