Dear Members

During these challenging times I would like to keep you informed of the monitoring and planning the club has put into place to ensure every effort is made to protect the health and welfare of all our members, staff and visitors at our club.

Currently we are following NHS guidelines to ensure that personal hygiene is kept at the highest level we can manage. Signs are visible to remind all users of our club to wash hands for the recommended 20 seconds, We have put sanitisers on rink tables, at the restaurant servery and on the bar in addition to the two dispensers we have had for some time situated in the entrance and as you enter the restaurant. We have increased the cleaning programme of sanitising door handles and handrails.

The E.I.B.A has also provided guidelines including no handshaking, it’s a natural response when meeting players, but we can see everyone is doing their best to keep our club free from infection.
With regard to travelling to countries affected with Coronavirus and are classed as high risk, please consider that even on your return and having no symptoms, that you may feel it appropriate to stay away from the bowls club for 14 days. This will help protect our members, especially as most of us are in the high-risk age group. If you would like to discuss this on your return from travelling please telephone the club to speak to Naomi. You may not be aware that we have recently requested that one of our kitchen staff, who returned from Thailand and Malaysia 10 days ago without symptoms, will not return to work for 14 days.

Currently we are confident that all planned bowling and social events will continue unless we hear from NHS/E.I.B.A that we need to make changes.

We will continue to monitor the NHS website every day to ensure we are keeping up with current guidelines and notify you by email, posters and notices on tables as soon as we know more.

Best regards
Dave Parks

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