Category: General News
Membership renewals 2020/21 – A message from the Chairman.
Dear Members
I am writing this message to appeal to you to pay your full subscription for the 2020/21 season whether you intend to return to the club in October or not until a vaccine for Covid-19 has been found.
Like all businesses we have ongoing costs and still want to invest in the future of the club. Now is not the time, I believe, in offering discounts or rebates but hopefully when “normal service” is resumed the club may be able to do something to recognise the support of its’ members.
We will have a much better idea of our financial position going forward when we know the level of subscription income. It is quite clear we will have no or very little income from other normal revenue sources for the foreseeable future.
Club matches, social functions, room rental and private functions that have raised revenue to support the club finances are unlikely to happen for some time.
This is an extremely challenging time for the club and we all want to see it survive and prosper and be in a secure financial state for the years ahead. Full subscriptions will allow the Management Committee to invest where possible so that our facilities and levels of service are maintained.
The Management Committee really does appreciate the continued support and loyalty of its’ members during this difficult period but do know that the right course of action will pay dividends in the future. It is, I believe, the only realistic course of action for the clubs continued success, enabling the club to bounce back from this terrible pandemic.
Both the Bowls and Management Committees are planning ahead to provide both bowling and social opportunities for the new season. Matches and some external competitions may not take place at this time and social events will be scaled down in numbers attending, ensuring that social distancing is adhered to.
Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all in the club soon.
Dave Parks
11th September 2020
Winter Booked Rinks
Dear Members,
Now that we know what our guidelines from the EIBA will be next sesaon, I am now starting to put the schedules together for the Winter booked rinks. If you would like to join a booked rink or run a booked rink (min 8 players) please let me know what session you would like to bowl. Booked rinks will continue to be played as triples.
Due to Covid-19 guidelines and to allow us to clean between sessions the bowling times will be slightly different this season. The following sessions are available.
Monday to Friday 9:30 – 11:30am, 12 – 2pm, 2:30 – 4:30pm, 5 – 7pm
Saturday and Sunday 12:30 – 2:30pm
I look forward to seeing you all back soon,
Kind regards
Government Changes To Face Coverings
Guidance from EIBA (version 5) has been updated following recent Government changes and the club will implement the changes from Monday 31st August.
Face coverings
The Government on Friday 21st August 2020 made the wearing of a face covering mandatory in indoor sports stadiums. As a result, any person entering an indoor bowls club will need to wear a face covering at all times, until they leave the premises.
Once in the club individuals would only be permitted to remove the face covering for the following actions:
When on the rink bowling with 2 metres social distancing in place, due to partaking in exercise.
Due to a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability.
Lockers will be made available to members but as social distancing of 2 metres will not always be achieved, bowlers need to:
Wear a face covering to provide a mitigating action to reduce transmission and will able to remove it once stepping on the rink ready to bowl and replacing it before stepping off the rink for any reason including at the end of the game.
Restaurant and bar areas
Face coverings are permitted to be removed when members are eating or drinking in designated seating areas.
Movement around the club
You must wear a face covering when using the toilet facilities and visiting the restaurant for rink teas, when you can remove it for eating and drinking.
Face coverings do not replace the need to social distance. Please maintain continued hand washing and sanitizing of hands.
We care about your safety and continually strive to maintain a safe environment for our members. We hope that you will support the changes made which will improve the service we provide.
Liz Parks,
Health and Safety Director
27th August 2020
Join now and your membership will run till 30th September 2021
Whether you’re an experienced bowler or someone who has often thought they’d like to have a go you are more than welcome to come and have a taster session, please ring 01323 506009 to make an appointment.
Moving up to TRIPLES
From Monday 17th August any rink will be able to play Triples.
If you are involved in a Triples Rink you should wear a mask or alternatively a face shield. Members who have a recognized breathing condition could be exempt from wearing a mask but must notify the center manager when entering the building.
It is important that Triples rinks Bowlers socially distance at least one metre plus apart.
Change into your bowls shoes quickly and step onto the rink immediately you have done so.
The procedure for bowling is exactly the same as you would do for pairs with the following additions :
The Jack must be placed at least one metre short of the tee.
The mat must be placed at least one metre up from the tee.
Therefore the maximum length for triples is two metres shorter than the normal maximum length. Reduce this further if you would prefer.
Four bowlers should not stand side by side but two by two. Two just by the ditch two metres apart and two bowlers in front of the them two metre away. Move up to bowl and then return to your position. Move clockwise around the rink behind each other.
Disposable masks will be available to purchase at a cost of £1 for 2 if you forget to bring one.
If you have a Summer booked rink and have enough people to bowl a triples rink the club would prefer you to do this. Alternatively you should book another weekly rink so that all your bowlers get a regular bowl. Please discuss this with Michelle.
Good luck, use common sense, be aware and enjoy.
Dave Parks
Anxious about coming back to bowl?
If you haven’t yet been to the club because you are anxious about social distancing please take a look at our short video.
- Temperature check and sanitizing station
- Socially distanced bar tables and one way system
- One way system
‘Eat Out To Help Out’ Government scheme for restaurants and bars.
We have registered with the above scheme to give members the opportunity to enjoy a breakfast, lunch or just a snack and get 50% off the price of food and soft drinks.
This offer applies to Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the month of August (3rd- 31st August).
Just book a table and we will do the rest! £10 maximum discount per person per visit.
We look forward to seeing you.
EIBA Update 31/7/2020
Copied from EIBA website
Returning to Indoor Bowls
Following the Prime Minister’s statement earlier today (31st July 2020) the EIBA wishes to advise you that flat green Indoor Bowls Clubs, if they wish, are still able to be open. Indoor Bowls was included in the indoor sports which were permitted to start on Saturday 25th July 2020.
The Government has taken the decision to postpone the next phase of activities which were scheduled to start on 1st August 2020, this included 10 pin bowling alleys, for at least a further two weeks. Therefore Clubs can continue with their scheduled activities, whilst maintaining systems to ensure the Club is COVID-19 secure. Yours sincerely Peter Thompson |
Buy Your Rink Tokens Before You Bowl
Hopefully you will have heard the great news that we are able to have you back to bowl from Monday 3rd August.
If you wish to bowl next week (please see the booking sysytem for availablity) you MUST come in this week to buy your tokens and collect your bowls. Please phone the club to book your time slot to come in. If you would like to have a drink or something to eat when you buy your tokens, then you will need to book a table online.
If you would normally bowl within a booked rink, these have been booked out on the system already and your Rink Captain will be contacted seperately this week and be given the new schedule so they can sort out their bowling rota in accordance with the guidelines.
You will receive a letter this week by post with the Covid-19 club guidelines.
We look forward to seeing you soon,