Congratulations to Pat Bain, Gill Henty and Ann Colbran on winning the SCWIBA County Badged Triples 2019-2020 the final stages having been delayed due to the pandemic restrictions that have been in place for the last couple of seasons.
If you haven’t seen the inside back page of the Eastbourne Herald on Friday 21st January 2022 this is what the article said . . .
‘Eastbourne & District Indoor Bowls Club was established in 1979 and currently has around 750 playing and social members and despite Covid the Club is doing particularly well in National competitions this season.
The Denny Cup is the biggest nationwide knockout men’s club competition in bowls and comprises teams of four rinks with matches played on a 2 home and 2 away basis with the team achieving the better aggregate score over 4 rinks proceeding to the next round.
Eastbourne have now reached the quarter final stage of the competition having beaten Preston (Brighton), Adur (Shoreham), Falaise (Hastings), Wealden (Maresfield) and Victory (Portsmouth) and will play Wey Valley (Guildford) on the 29th January to achieve a place in the semi final.
Eastbourne Skips are Rob Morphett, Stephen Bain, Andy Hayward and Adrian Wainwright.
Meanwhile the Yetton Trophy is the biggest nationwide knockout women’s club competition in bowls and has the same format as the men’s Denny Cup.
Like the men, the ladies at Eastbourne have now reached the quarter final stage of the competition having beaten Arun (Bognor), Worthing Pavilion, Adur, and Chawton Park (Alton) and will play Swale (Sittingbourne on the 29th January to achieve a place in the semi final. Their Skips are Lorraine Kuhler, Mandy Carrie, Pat Bain and Jan Pilcher.
Neither the Eastbourne men nor ladies have ever reached this far before in these competitions and for both to do so in the same season is a fantastic achievement. Members said they would liken it to one of the local football teams getting through to the third round proper of the FA Cup.
Also, Eastbourne ladies “A” team are also tasting success in the Masons Trophy, a nationwide knockout club competition with matches played on a one home and one away basis. Skips are Pat Bain and Mandy Carrie. They have reached the third round having beaten Eastbourne “B” and Worthing and are playing Preston (Brighton) in the next round on the 21st January.’
Since publication of the above article our ladies won their match against Preston and will now play Arun in the fourth round on 18th February.
Congratulations to everyone involved and good luck in the next round.
Despite the restrictions we have had to live with this year our club is thriving,
The club has progressed to the later stages of both the men’s (Denny) and women’s (Yetton & Mason) National Team Competitions, the next rounds of the Denny and Yetton are on 8th January at 10am and the Mason is on 21st January at 10am.
Club competitions are well underway, the club leagues are running smoothly and our Ladder League is very popular and currently has 92 players split into 23 groups of 4.
We continue to support the local charity Children With Cancer Fund – Polegate by collecting old printer cartridges and in December we ran a festive mixed drive and raised £372.
Our social calendar has been busy with members enjoying a Race Night, Live Music from Tom Powell, 3 Quiz Nights and a very successful Christmas Fayre.
We look forward to some great bowling in 2022, good luck to everyone in all competitions and for all our members, full or social look out for Fish and Chip Bingo Night, a Barn Dance, an Afternoon Tea, another Race Night, a couple more Quizzes and a Spring Fayre all subject to any Covid Restrictions that may be in place at the time of each event.
Happy New Year to all our members, their families and friends and to any prospective members, if you’d like more information about our club please send us a message using our Contact Form and we will be in touch to arrange a visit and/or a taster session.
Christmas dinner will be served at 1pm on Wednesday 15th December, for more information and to see the menu please click the links below . . .
Tuesday 30th November 2021 saw the launch of a new art group using our club facilities. The inaugural meeting launched with five participants and the room/table will accommodate another 6 or 7 people so if you fancy a dabble give Naomi our centre manager a call 01323 506009 and she will pass your details on to the group.
What a successful event – we have raised over £1000 for club funds.
A big thank you to everyone who gave generously to this event in so many different ways.
Huge thanks also to those who helped set up and man the various stalls, and also to all those people who came along and gave their support.
Grateful thanks too, to Michelle, Kim, Charlie and the bar staff who worked so hard keeping everyone fed and watered.
Without all of these people we could not have held this successful event.
Some great things happening in December.
We start with the ever popular Christmas Quiz once again hosted by Quiz Master Steve, Friday 3rd December, 7pm for 7:30pm start.
A mixed drive fund raiser is being held on Sunday 5th December 1.30pm to start at 2pm raising much needed funds for local charity Children With Cancer Fund – Polegate.
Then on Friday 17th December we have our Christmas Cabaret evening with The Watson Brothers providing the entertainment.
Friday 31st December New Years Eve Party, watch out for more information nearer the time.
Happy Festive Season.
We are going to hold a mixed drive on Sunday 5th December 1.30 onwards to raise money for the children with cancer fund.
For those of you that do not know what a mixed drive is… It is a fun afternoon for all abilities playing in teams of 4. There are 3 games of 6 ends each. The afternoon is a great way to meet new people and have some fun playing bowls. You can join up individually as teams are drawn.
There will be prizes!
For the entry fee we are asking for a donation (minimum £3) with all the monies going to the Children with Cancer fund.
To make it a bit of fun, come along in your Christmas attire!
If you would like to join in and raise some much-needed funds for this great cause please add your name to the list on the notice board or ring the club and ask to be included (48 players required)
Dear Members,
I would like to thank everyone who has bought the second hand bowls, equipment and clothes over the last few months. We have raised £1,000 for the juniors, Dave Buttle has now ordered 3 more sets of bowls for them to use on a Friday 4-6pm Juniors session.
Peter Ring
21 members came together yesterday afternoon (23/9/21) to deep clean our club ready for the winter season.
The work carried out was in addition to the hard work our current volunteer cleaners’ carry out every week.
Also, thank you to the reserves, you’re on the list for next time!
What a successful day.
Liz Parks